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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


  1. Not relevant to above, but for the the last two days Firefox has crashed everysingle time I’ve navigated to the Spacing Wire website. Is this a known issue? Others having this problem?

  2. I am using Firefox and have had no such problem.

  3. Kuitenbrouwer again dumps on Sheppard East, surprise, surprise.

    As a resident who lives close to “Sheppard East Village” I can say the area needs the kind of revitalization an LRT can bring.

  4. I realize the importance on gathering different viewpoints. But I think there has been an over-emphasis on the National Post recently.

  5. I have “faith” that the money for the Sheppard LRT line and cars will come. So simply get on with it.

    *And i’m not a religious man.

    PS-No problems with my Firefox either.

  6. I’d also like to direct readers to Joe Fiorito’s TOStar article above. Very interesting take on Toronto’s development as a city.

  7. I lived near St. Clair West station during the construction: it sucked and it sucked just about forever. The city need these LRTs (we need more subways more, which we won’t get) but the pace on St. Clair makes businesses worry they’ll be bankrupt before it is finished: a reasonable concern.

    If they got all their planning and financial ducks in a row, and got it built in one construction season, there’d be a lot less concern. Giambrone and the like can’t be surprised at opposition to incompetence that costs livelihoods.

  8. @spacer, I think this is because the NP through Posted Toronto generates a lot of Toronto-centric material. Whether you agree with the viewpoint there’s little point in ignoring the copy.

    Here’s hoping the Star rebrand brings similar focus. The Globe throws Toronto stuff under National much of the time and ever since they rebranded from Toronto Globe and Mail it seems to me they don’t want to look like they pay too much attention to this city, Barber excepted.