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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Instaflaneur: late night bike rides, Toronto flooding, & following the water

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Flooding on Silverthorne, just south of Rogers, Aug 27

In lieu of a vacation trip this season, it has been a summer of long long bike rides, mostly at night, around Toronto and sometimes up into the 905. This city still has so many unexplored pockets, still figuring out how it all connects together — there was no plan to this place so different neighbourhoods rub up against each other in strange ways. It’s easy to forget what’s where and how close places are to each other. Last night, soaked in the torrents, the city became a rainforest, humid, thick, mosquito filled, following Black Creek by chance after I took shelter on a strangers porch on Silverthorne just south of Rogers Road, a street that flooded as I waited out the storm. Later, still following the water, I took a near-pitch-black ride down the Humber valley, as the trees dripped and crickets chirped. Mud splashes and spider webs. A few people out but mostly I was alone & fast and nimble in the dark.

It is the greatest thing.

Rogers Road waterfall, Aug 27
Rogers Road waterfall, Aug 27
Black Creek swollen on Aug 27, with smashed tree and closed walkway from July 8 flooding
Black Creek swollen on Aug 27, with smashed tree and closed walkway from July 8 flooding
Black Creek, west of Jane Street
Black Creek, west of Jane Street


Humber Rail bridge, north of Dundas
Humber Rail bridge, north of Dundas
The glow of the CNE from the mouth of the Humber through the light rain and humidity
The glow of the CNE from the mouth of the Humber through the light rain and humidity



  1. Nice writing, Shawn.

    Your story brings back memories of many similar trips I made 18-22 years ago when I lived along the … ok near the Humber River.

    Cheers, Moaz

  2. It was enjoyable following along this ‘live’ last night. Thanks for this wrapping all of that together.