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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

The bins of Borth and Aberystwyth

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Documentation continues on the world of World Class rubbish bins with no advertising. In the seaside town of Borth on the west coast of Wales the tide was out yesterday evening as the sun set (and set and set — it doesn’t get dark until just about 11pm here) as we arrived at the beach on the longest day of the year. No ads on these cans, but they have big mouths. The beach was clean, and there were massive piles of some of the best skipping rocks we have ever seen.

A bit further south in the university of town of Aberystwyth these bins had some tagging, but no ads. The tagging makes this nice can ugly just as an ad would. YSBWRIEL means Rubbish in Welsh.



  1. A beautiful part of the world. I hope you are having a great time and not spending too much time looking at bins.

  2. Bin-looking is an after-thought — but there are enough of them around to catch as you go. Must avoid buying the t-shirt I-went-to-europe-and-all-i-saw-were-bins.

    Inland, in Monmouth now, on the English border. About to go for a walk in the countryside to find traces of a particular eccentric psychogeographer.

  3. Came across this as it mentions Borth and was intrigued as to why someone would come all the way to Borth to look at the bins… Even if we do have a plethora of them!


  4. Alan> We came to Borth to go to the beach, as one person in our party (we were at a festival in Aberystwyth) wanted to go into the sea, and they told us Borth is the place to go. The bins were just a diversion. The sea is chilly, but warm enough to jump into right now.

    I have many pornographic pictures showing the amazing beauty of Borth, but who wants to see though when they can look at bins?