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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

I can feel it coming in the subway tonight …

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To continue with our theme of public space performances, here for your Sunday afternoon entertainment is an a cappella interpretation of Phil Collins’ “In the air tonight” performed by the a cappella group Naturally 7 in a crowded Paris subway (apparently it’s just voices and clapping creating all of the sound effects).

One thing I like about it is that, unlike some of the other subway performances we’ve seen where some of the commuters are more bemused than amused, most of the commuters here really enjoy the performance and clearly get into it.



  1. Hasn’t this clip already been posted here before? It’s still great seeing it again though.

  2. We don’t have an index to all the posts, so it’s easy to overlook.

    But perhaps in the great and traditional spirit of Family Day, we do reruns like the big networks.

  3. Looks like it would have been a fun trip. The last tune I heard warbled on the TTC was a drunk girl making a valiant effort to sing Amy Winehouse’s Rehab.

    Bad subway singing situation: on the London Underground a couple of years ago, a busker hopped onto my car at one of the outer stations on the Piccadilly line. Moments before muffled messages were being broadcast into the car, which possibly indicated an unexpected short turn two or three stops short of Heathrow. The busker, gleefully oblivious to this, started wailing a wretched version of Brown Eyed Girl and yelled at the car to sing along and toss a quid or two. I have never seen so many daggers shooting out of other peoples eyes as in that car, as he sang louder whenever the announcements came on.

    The busker (his name was along the lines of “Happy Dave”) got off one stop before the short turn, which saved him from being throttled on the next platform.

  4. My Bad – we did post this, almost exactly a year ago, but I think I was out of town and missed it. Consider it an anniversary posting.

  5. So how come there aren’t any subway performances in the TTC?

    Some of the stuff in the stations are great, but that’s different. Wouldn’t mind some breakdancing during my commute.

    No preaching either on the TTC, although that’s not much of a loss.