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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Memorial for killed cyclist

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Candlelight Memorial for cyclist Ryan Carriere
When: Monday November 7th, 2005; 7:00 p.m.
Where: Queen and Gladstone

Toronto cyclists were saddened to learn that 31-year-old Ryan Carriere was killed last Monday, October 31, at the intersection of Queen St W. and Gladstone Avenue (read the SpacingWire posts the following day). Ryan was headed home on his bicycle to help prepare for Halloween, to be shared with his wife and two daughters.

Advocacy for Respect for Cyclists (ARC) along with Ryan’s many friends and family will be holding a candlelight memorial for him at the scene of the accident, on Monday November 7th at 7:00 p.m. Cyclists are encouraged to join ARC at the Peace Garden at Nathan Phillips Square at 6:15 p.m. that night to ride together in solidarity to the memorial site. ARC also specifically invites Toronto City Councillors to ride with us.

In 1998, in response to the growing number of cyclist fatalities and injuries, the Toronto Coroner prepared a detailed report. This report found that 38% of cyclist fatalities involved large vehicles (non-Class G) and that cyclists were
four times more likely to be killed in a collision involving a large vehicle than in collisions with smaller vehicles. One of the key recommendations of the Coroner’s Report was for the government to legislate sideguards for trucks, a recommendation that has not been acted upon. This report can be found here, or via the ARC website.

(thanks to the TPSC newsletter for the info provided in this post)
