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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • The 2025 budget and Toronto’s bursting real estate bubble

    For years, Toronto’s finance officials have dutifully added an annual footnote to their budget documents, cautioning readers that a portion of the...

  • Follow the money to Ontario Place

    The Ontario auditor general’s review of the Ontario Place scandal contains enough muck to start an industrial-scale pig farm, with plenty left over...

  • The high cost of on-street parking

    In case you hadn’t checked recently, there are, according to the Toronto Parking Authority’s very helpful “Find Parking” map, no...

  • LORINC: Singing the gridlock blues

    How does one know if the main street running through a neighbourhood, or on a route to work, is becoming more congested? There is a steadily noisier...

  • Dead man/woman/child cycling

    Somewhere in this city, there’s a cyclist going about their business who will die in a terrible accident — perhaps sooner, perhaps later — because...

  • Toronto to Ford: Stay in your lane

    There are few elected officials who understand the politics of driving, with its brain stem triggers, quite as acutely as the Fords — first Rob, who...

  • Watch this space

    While the bulk of last week’s media coverage of Infrastructure Ontario’s curiously-timed disclosure of Therme’s lease focused on the...

  • Why is the Board of Trade shilling for The Big Doug?

    There are so many sensible reasons to not build a Toronto by-pass tunnel — what we at Spacing have dubbed `The Big Doug’ after Boston’s...

  • LORINC: The public space embarrassment that is College Park

    When College Park (pictured above) formally re-opened, in 2019, the City of Toronto put out a rather breathless press release on what had been achieved in...

  • LORINC: Booze in the corner store

    Until the mid 1970s, you couldn’t buy lottery tickets in Ontario. Ontarians could go to the horse races and place bets; the ponies, after all, have...

  • They Brought Back the Don

    In the coming weeks, Waterfront Toronto crews will remove the final plug in the new Lower Don, thereby allowing the river to finally flow naturally...

  • LORINC: Eyes in the Sky

    On the evening of July 1, after the sky darkened and the fireworks over Ashbridge’s Bay began, some participants noticed eight police drones...