The Future Fix: l’innovation au service des citoyens
Spacing et Evergreen présentent ensemble une nouvelle série de podcast, Face au futur : des solutions pour les communautés du Canada, d’une côte Ã...
By Spacing Radio -
How to Turn a Software Developer into a Housing Expert
Guest Contributor: A.I. What the f*#k is a software developer doing on a housing panel? It’s not the kind of question I usually entertain, but when a...
By Spacing -
UCS #30: Public Hearings in Vancouver
See our Launch and Introduction about the launch of the © Urban Cartoon Syndicate and the announcement by CityHallWatch. *** Related reading: Spacing...
By Urban Cartoon Syndicate -
EVENT: Strollin’ — an evening talking about walking November 28
WHAT: An evening talking about walking on November 28 at 6PM. WHO: Shawn Micallef, Spacing Sr. Editor, Toronto Star columnist and University College...
By Spacing -
Broadway Plan Blues
Editor’s Note: Many residents are unaware—and some are unpleasantly surprised—that the Broadway Plan allows for high-rise towers on quiet back...
By cdemarco -
Cycling in the Suburbs Doesn’t Have to Suck
Sure, Vancouver’s seawall is the popular place to bike, but that doesn’t mean the suburbs can’t be too — with a few fixes. In the latest episode of the...
By Christopher Cheung -
Establishing affordable creative spaces
This article is published in conjunction with issue #68 of Spacing magazine, which is focused on the state of the arts in Toronto. Look for it soon on the...
By Erika Hennebury and Hannah Fleisher -
New study reveals zoning effects affordabilityÂ
Social cohesion, environmental health, and industrial development are paramount characteristics to sculpting a sustainable community. Yet a recent...
By saramansour -
The Barcelona Chronicles: Reflections on Two Cities
Who is the city for? Last week, a good friend of mine recently told me he and his family were leaving Vancouver. His words struck a chord: “Vancouver has...
By Erick Villagomez -
The Barcelona Chronicles: Vancouver v. Barcelona – Urban Design
Cities host our lived experiences. They are more than mere words in reports or policy documents; they are tangible environments that shape our daily...
By Erick Villagomez -
The Barcelona Chronicles: The Superilla…Evolved
After a scenic ride through El Poblenou and along the Barcelona waterfront, we approached the Sant Antoni market from the south, via Carrer del Comte...
By Erick Villagomez -
The Overhead: Preserving Community
THIS EPISODE: Preserving Community We’re pleased to bring you another season of The Overhead, and we begin by checking back on a topic we’ve...
By Spacing Radio