By Paul Giang
City of Edmonton Event: Evolving Infill, December 7, 2013
Via City of Edmonton Do you have a story to share on infill development? Come by the Royal Glenora Club this Saturday and provide your thoughts to the...
Celebrating Blatchford
Did you know that Blatchford field was the world’s busiest airport during World War II? Or that it was Canada’s first public airport in...
Edmonton urbanism headlines: November 17 – 24
LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT Redford tells convention delegate Edmonton’s annexation plans must be in everyone’s best interest [Edmonton Journal] The City of...
Edmonton urbanism headlines: November 3 – 10
INFRASTRUCTURE: Infographic: The Cost of Sprawl: A Comparison [Sustainable Prosperity] The true costs of suburban sprawl [Globe and Mail] Edmonton...
Cultural Landscapes: Aspen Parkland
When crossing this vast country, there is often the perception that the Canadian prairie landscape is rather homogenous and flat. Such gross...
Edmonton urbanism headlines: October 21 – 27
POST-ELECTION Congratulations to new Mayor-elect Don Iveson and the new city council Have you seen Don Iveson’s victory speech yet? [Global News...
Does a skyline tell a story?
Despite the focus on the phallic-obsessed competition of “which city has more skyscrapers” or “whose tower is tallest” in some...
Edmonton’s urbanism headlines: October 6 – 12
#YEGVOTE: Advance polls give Edmonton voters 10 days to cast ballot. So far, 8438 Edmonton residents casted their ballot the first five days [CBC] Not...
Edmonton’s urbanism headlines: September 22 – 29
MUNICIPAL ELECTION Races underway in Capital Region [Edmonton Journal] Although a near-record amount of candidate are in the running, the proportion of...
Edmonton’s urbanism headlines: September 9 – September 15
MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS EVENT: Green Drinks Edmonton: The Election #yegvote [The Local Good] Kerry Diotte slogan creates backlash on Twitter [Global News...
EVENT: Designing Downtown
Designing Downtown, one of the largest and richest citizen-driven conversations about urban cores in Canada, returns to Edmonton October 5, 2013. For a...
Space and Sound
Mark Templeton, in collaboration with Nicola Ratti, explores and contrasts the way sound interacts with the built environment in Edmonton and Milan. His...