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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing named one of world’s best sources of transportation news on Twitter

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It’s with great pride that we share the news that the Urban Land Institute has named Spacing the ninth best source of transportation news on Twitter. ULI used a few metrics to come to this conclusion (find out their methodology by checking out the list) and we’re happy to be included with great urban thinkers and publications such as Metropolis Magazine, The Atlantic Cities, Curbed, Planetizen, Next City, Streeteblog, Project for Public Spaces, Ray LaHood, Richard Florida, and Mikael Colville-Andersen of Copenhagenize. And even more exciting is that outside of the transplanted American Mr. Florida and a satellite office of Gensler (both located in Toronto), we are the only Canadian entity on the list. Cool, eh?

 photo by Sam Javanrouh



  1. Minor point, but Mikael Colville-Andersen is a Canadian :-)

  2. True, Mikael is Canadian and Danish but he has lived in Denmark since he was 12 and, by all intents and purposes, his work and tweets are all about Copenhagen.