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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

WWW: Transportation strategies to accommodate new technology

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Sao Paulo’s innovative plan for regulating Uber

Regulating alternative transportation services such as Uber has proved to be a controversial topic within urban public policy. Sao Paulo’s unique plan to battle congestion while regulating the service involves a form of mileage fee, paid for with city-controlled credits that can be altered to benefit drivers who operate efficiently.

Helsinki’s constriction of car-free bridges

Helsinki, Finland is constructing three new multi-modal bridges to connect the central city to the surrounding region. These new bridges will enable streetcar, pedestrian, and cyclist traffic but no cars.

Ground level traffic lights for distracted pedestrians

A city in Germany is testing curb-level LED traffic signals designed to grab the attention of oblivious phone users in an effort to mitigate traffic the high volume of accidents caused by distracted pedestrians.

photo courtesy of citiscope

