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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Saturday: Silo No. 5, Baldwin Street and Walkshops

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Spacing Saturday highlights posts from across Spacing’s blog network in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and the Atlantic region.

Alanah Heffez takes readers along for a tour of Silo Number 5, the enormous abandoned grain elevator along the waterfront in the Port of Montreal. The site has been bought from the Port Authority of Montreal by the Canada Lands Company. While the CLC has big plans for the incredible site, it also faces many challenges.

Émele Thomas takes a look at Montréal’s movement to re-embrace the St Lawrence River by examining the essential role the river plays to Quebec and analyzing the current as well as future situation of the waterfront in Montréal itself.

Spacing is co-hosting a walking tour and workshop at the 4 Days Better City Lab event in Halifax, and invites readers to take a closer look at the event and some of the amazing things that have happened so far.

Careful to avoid giving any direct endorsement, Spacing Editor Matthew Blackett makes an appeal to voters on the eve of the election to fully consider the power that the Mayor has and what someone could do with those powers.

As part of the ongoing Street Stories series, Eric Mutrie takes a look at Baldwin Street, a place that’s hard to find but easy to love, and examines both the history of the street and what makes it so successful today.

As part of the ongoing redevelopment of Centretown, planners have invited the public to contribute to the process by submitting photos depicting the best, the worst and the future of the area.

Photo by Benjamin Random
