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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Moscoe stays on; no perimeter seating

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It is possible that the lively discussion on our two recent posts about perimeter seating has not been for naught — the TTC has voted against the plan. It also seems the revolt to oust Moscoe died at the commission, with a 5-3 vote in favour of keeping the bombastic TTC chair.

Fellow commissioner Mark Grimes reseigned shortly after the vote saying, “Obviously my voice is not going to be heard.” I’d hate to lecture Mr. Grimes but your voice was heard — you were part of the three who voted against Moscoe. It was counted and you ended up on the losing end. You may not have gotten what you wanted, but that’s part of living in a democracy.

I also suspect Mr. Grimes is doing this to make some headlines and look like he is doing something at council (he has been accused of doing, well, next to nothing). He may also be trying to save his butt from the resident revolt surrounding the skateboard park in a sensitive ecological area of south Etobicoke.

UPDATE: The folks at Eye have an editorial about Mr. Moscoe.



  1. Jane Pitfield showed up along with Denzil Minnan-Wong, Karen Stintz and Fraces Nunziata to support the non-confidence motion.

    The Commissioners who supported Moscoe took great relish in skewering Pitfield especially for the vapid nature of her comments. I will write this up on my own blog in due course.

  2. That isn’t how you spell “perimeter.”

  3. It does seem weird that an owner of a taxi company is TTC chair.

  4. That’s so… Grimey, what a baby. Yes to mixed seating! The TTC Saved enough people from buying cars.

    What did Pitfield say? “Moscoe’s a street-walker too?” What did she say?


  5. As much as I think Moscoe is an asshole, I’m glad about the fact that we’re not getting bench seats.

  6. Moscoe does not own a taxi company.

    He has been involved in many issues relating to the taxi industry in his role on the Licensing Commission that included attempting to improve the lot of the drivers at the expense of the owners.

  7. Honestly, I don’t know what’s good for the TTC anymore.

    (But I agree with Moscoe, I do not like perimeter seating.)