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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Human River walk this weekend

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The Toronto Public Space Committee is holding its 3rd Annual Human River walk along Garrison Creek, Toronto’s biggest buried river, this Sunday, Oct. 21. The Walk begins at 1:00pm at Christie Pits Park, and finishes at historic Fort York at the Human River Art Show (which is open from Sat. Oct. 20 to Wed. Oct. 24), where there will be a reception with food and refreshments.

Visit the Human River website for full details.



  1. I wish this had somehow been integrated into Thea’s zombie walk this weekend.

    In fact, it’s not too late!

  2. My 6-year old is into Zombies (what with Halloween approaching) and we’re planning on doing the human river walk, but it would delight him to no end I’m sure to intersect with the zombie walk.

    If anyone plans on partaking in the Zombie walk, and they don’t mind me checking in on the status/location of the walk in the afternoon, please send me your cell # (