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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

“Steps Towards a Walkable City” — public consultation

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The City of Toronto launched a discussion document called “Steps Towards a Walkable City,” without much fanfare, at the beginning of October, in conjunction with the Walk21 conference. It’s part of the development of Toronto’s Walking Strategy, and is intended to encourage public discussion.

The city will be holding the first public consultation around this document on November 8. Anyone who is interested in walking issues in Toronto is encouraged to download and read the document, and come to the consultation meeting to discuss it.

Here’s the official announcement:

Walking Strategy Consultation Series
Public Meeting

The City wants to hear your comments about how we can make our communities more walkable.

We are holding a series of public consultation sessions over the coming months to get your input into the development of the Toronto Walking Strategy.

The third workshop in this series will present “Steps Towards a Walkable City” a proposed framework for the Toronto Walking Strategy and will take place:

Thursday November 8, 2007
Toronto Reference Library – Beeton Auditorium
789 Yonge St. (near Bloor/Yonge)
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Join us and provide your input on the framework and actions proposed in “Steps Towards a Walkable City” and discuss what is most important to you to help shape an exciting vision of walking in Toronto.

For more information about the event call 416-392-7200 or email .

photo by Adam Krawesky 
