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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montréal Monday — recycling, cycling, and more on the STM service changes

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Each Monday, Spacing will bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montréal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and discussions that are pertinent to current public space issues in Toronto.

• Montréal, like Toronto, is rolling out new residential recycling containers. But according to a post titled Where are Montréal’s public recycling bins?, the closest thing the city has had in recent years to permanent sidewalk containers was a test run of (shudder) MegaBins in 2006.

STM service improvements: the real deal provides an update to an earlier story which suggested that increased daytime bus trips on certain Montréal routes were coming at the expense of weekend schedules.

• Toronto’s BikeShare is dead, but in Montréal, renowned industrial designer Michel Dallaire will design the new bike sharing system. And you won’t believe who’s footing the bill (hint: the Toronto equivalent just tried to tear down the Matador).



  1. the toronto bikeshare may not be quite so dead – check
    as for the priorities in Caronto the Carrupt, I wonder where the c. $2,500,000 in interest on the $50M that our three governments has put into a trust fund for the Front St. Extension has gotten too, since the project is on hold. Is it funding the fancy offices of the TOWaterfront or into general revenues of the city? Or studies about all the transit options to the FSE?
    And at $25K per km to paint bike lanes on streets, we could get c.100 kms a year of bike lane, and the Sherbourne to High Park chunk of Bloor bike lane is 8kms…
    Mais merci, Montreal, pour l’exemple!