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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

[murmur] Junction & volunteer call

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[murmur] Conjunction Junction

After recently celebrating our 5th anniversary, [murmur] is pleased to announce we are busy recording stories, memories and thoughts about Toronto’s Junction neighbourhood! You know how Dundas does that crazy loop and actually goes north of Bloor on the west side? Well, that’s around where the Junction is, and if you’ve never visited, it’s a charming neighbourhood. Each September it hosts the Junction Arts Festival, and this year [murmur] is proud to be playing a part. Throughout the summer we’ll be very actively recording stories here, and they’ll launch in early September, at the festival. If you’ve got something to say about the area, no matter how insignificant you think it is (everybody underestimates the value of their own stories, and we don’t like that), we want to hear from you. Email us at: junction (at) murmurtoronto (dot) ca. If you’ve got a hot tip, story suggestion, knowledge of some secret junction history, or know somebody we should talk to, please contact us as well or leave a comment here. Why does the Junction matter to you? [murmur] is only as good as the people who contribute, so we need your help.

Volunteers needed!

If you think exploring neighbourhoods and listening to strangers’ personal stories sounds like a fun summer activity, please consider helping us out as a volunteer story collector! Our focus right now is on the Junction, but we’re always also looking for new stories in the neighbourhoods where we’ve already launched. [murmur] projects are always better when we lend a recorder to other folks and they go out into the neighbourhood and find stories we might never have discovered — we have the tools, and want to give them to whoever wants to help out. Sometimes we admit a big reason we started this project was just to have an excuse to be nosey and learn more about Toronto from an insider’s perspective. We are holding a casual information session and workshop for volunteers on Tuesday July 29 at 7pm at our office in the Centre For Social Innovation at 215 Spadina. If you’re interested, please email junction (at) murmurtoronto (dot) ca and mention you’re coming and get further details.

Please forward this post to whoever you think would be interested.

Photo of Dundas and Keele by Grant MacDonald. Lower photo by Bryce MacFarlane.
