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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered


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On Thursday at Cinecycle (129 Spadina Ave), I am part of the This Is Not A Reading Series event welcoming Chris Carlsson to Toronto (check out the Facebook event listing). Chris is the author of Nowtopia and one of the founders of Critical Mass. His new books is described as such:

Outlaw bicycling, urban permaculture, biofuels, free software, and even the Burning Man festival are windows into a scarcely visible social transformation that is redefining politics as we know it. As capitalism continues to corral every square inch of the globe into its logic of money and markets, new practices are emerging through which people are taking back their time and technological know-how. In small, under-the-radar ways, they are making life better right now, simultaneously building the foundation—technically and socially—for a genuine movement of liberation from market life.

I will be interviewing Chris on stage for 30 minutes followed by a Q&A session with the audience. I’m asking Spacing readers to include questions in the comments sections of this post that they’d like to have Chris answer (since not every audience question can be answered).


One comment

  1. I should resist but…
    What about solving the carisis by building quite costly underground parking garages at dense urban transit stops?