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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Ten reasons Lastman better VP than Palin

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A new Facebook group called Ten Reasons why Mel Lastman tops Sarah Palin as McCain’s VP Choice started up yesterday. The group’s creator invites others to add their own reasons but starts us off with these 10:

1. Mel makes John McCain look like a sweet young thing.

2. Sarah Palin may be able to dress a moose, but when Mel was mayor he cross-dressed hundreds of them.

3. There are more Russians living within 10 minutes of Mel’s condo in North York than there are within 1,000 miles of Sarah Palin’s house in Alaska.

4. On foreign policy, not only does Mel know where Africa is, he KNOWS that there are cannibals living there.

5. If John McCain is to win the presidency he has to win the state of Florida. Mel has spent more time in Florida than Sarah Palin has spent in all of the states (except Alaska) combined.

6. Sarah Palin has good hair but Mel has the best hair money can buy.

7. The Palin family only has one “mystery child.” Mel has two!

8. Mel could get John and Cindy McCain a great deal on new appliances and furniture for the White House. Given the $700 billion bailout, the Republicans need a “Don’t Pay a Cent” event.

9. Sarah Palin may be commander of the Alaska National Guard but Mel proved that he knows when to call in the army.

10. Mel only thought there were no homeless people in North York. Sarah Palin doesn’t think there are any in North America.



  1. I love this. I hope it gets widely read.

    We need humour like this from time to time and
    Lastman is a good source of humour.

  2. Who’s better than Mel Lastman for VP? NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooobody!

  3. Reason no. 3 might be a wash.

    Contrary to popular belief, Mel’s condo is not in North York. Check He now lives near St Clair and Yonge. I can vouch that there is at least one Russian in the neighbourhood.