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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

360EXtEndEd wants your stories for Toronto’s 175th birthday

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A new web-based community storytelling project has arrived just in time for Toronto’s 175th anniversary of its inauspicious founding in the forest by Lake Ontario. You can add your stories to your neighbourhood — and if your neighbourhood is not yet included, you can even add it in. It would be great to get lots of stories from the Rouge River to Etobicoke Creek, not just the downtown areas — where so many of Toronto’s stories have not yet been told or shared widely. The stories will eventually be part of an installation in Nathan Phillips Square. Go to 360ExtEndEd and participate.


360EXtEndEd is a multi-platform project, which explores a city’s evolution. We live in a city where there are infinite stories at every corner, in every neighborhood, in every house.  360EXtEndEd questions how, in this hybrid age of globalization, we perceive our relationship with the city we call ‘home’. How does a city’s life, architecture and history impact on us, its inhabitants? What happens to all our unsaid and unspoken stories, which we all carry?


360EXtEndEd has two components

Website: This is a place to tell and share stories about the city of Toronto. The website enables community-based interaction where people are invited to post stories, pictures and videos to the site. The website becomes a portal where our experiences about the city, past and present reside. It is a place to celebrate our diversity in today’s urban culture and share our relationships with the city we call home.

Site-Specific Installation: Your stories of the city will be a part of the first real-time, site-specific installation at Nathan Phillip’s Square. The installation is part of Toronto’s “My City” campaign celebrating 175 years of Toronto. The installation will consist of large-scale projections around the large dome inside the rotunda. 360EXtEndEd will take the audience through streams of visuals and provide them with opportunities to explore and find ways to connect with space and visual imagery.

360EXtEndEd is conceived and created by artist, Faisal Anwar, and presented in partnership with Toronto City and Toronto Archive for Toronto’s 175 Anniversary.

Photo by Smaku



  1. Arrived “just in time.” Well, I suppose these things sneak up on you, and two weeks plus a day is long enough before a project with a name as far-fetched as this is launched on Toronto’s 175th birthday, March 6.

  2. It’s an interesting concept but it might be a good idea if there was some editorial ‘control’ over the postings and, PLEASE, some proof-reading!