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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

ByoLogyc: Retreat – Stay Safe at the End of the World

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Editor’s Note: To coincide with our Disaster issue, Spacing Toronto has teamed up with the transmedia, apocalyptic sci-fi project ZED.TO. ZED.TO is a participation-based story that follows the fictitious bio-firm ByoLogyc in their quest for human perfection, and ultimately dooming humanity. The final event in the series, ByoLogyc: Retreat, runs November 2nd and 3rd at the Evergreen Brick Works.

Good afternoon, Toronto.

It’s my pleasure to be back here on Spacing Toronto’s blog with another update regarding ByoLogyc’s bold vision for a better tomorrow.

ByoLogyc CEO Chet GetramIn my last post, I had the distinct pleasure of introducing all of you to a powerful new idea – that healthcare can be as much about experience design as it is about technological innovation. With ByoRetreat, located in the Evergreen Brick Works, ByoLogyc is pushing into a new frontier; one where your health and happiness are holistically designed.

Unfortunately, some parts of our vision are going to have to be revised. Two weeks ago, at Scotiabank Nuit Blanche, we learned that the BRX Virus – a mutation of our ByoRenew product set loose in July by the online terrorist organization known as EXE – has led to a minor epidemic here in the City of Toronto.

Symptoms of the BRX Virus are diverse, and rumours are running rampant… but today, I’d like to put a firm cork on all of this scaremongering.

Firstly, ByoLogyc has designed an easy-to-use online tool that you can use to test yourself, and your friends and family, for symptoms of the BRX Virus. This tool connects via Facebook, and makes it easy for you to identify who in your social network is most at risk of infection.

The tool is free to use, and available to our valued customers at

More importantly, we at ByoLogyc are proud to announce that the repurposing of our ByoRetreat at the Evergreen Brick Works into a state-of-the-art evacuation facility is already underway. We expect demand to be high for the safety and security this facility will offer, so we are selling tickets that will guarantee you a place at the very reasonable price of $59.99.

Those of you interested in taking a more active role in the security patrols our SCD (Sanitation and Containment Division) will be running at the ByoRetreat can upgrade to a $79.99 Power ticket that encourages action, judgment, and less… bureaucracy… in dealing with threats to ByoLogyc.

Finally, if you’re interested in making a more significant investment in the future of humanity, join me and other VIP’s with a Privilege Ticket. Together, we’ll sip champagne and map out our plans for success when the dust of the BRX Virus settles…

Tickets are on sale NOW for ByoLogyc: Retreat at

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ByoLogyc: Retreat
