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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Aggregate data must belong to the public. Any $ generated by aggregate data must be put into the city. No more googles or Facebooks making billions from using all our data.

  2. Financial Times (And how ‘left of centre’ is that?) is running a *series* on “Big Tech” with some chilling warnings. Already, Google is the “largest lobbyist” on Capital Hill.

    Be sure to see an interview by another FT editor with her here:

    Foroohar presents some absolutely shocking graphs of how much money Big Tech is making, most of it essentially tax free, and her prediction that nations like the US and the EU will clamp down on them for anti-Trust reasons.×720.mp4

  3. Great article John!
    And really interesting comments Stephen! I just signed up for the Financial Times just so I could read Foroohar’s articles.

  4. Rosemary writes:
    [And really interesting comments Stephen! I just signed up for the Financial Times just so I could read Foroohar’s articles.]
    Excellent. It’s too easy to dismiss some media’s articles as ‘reactionary’ or ‘misinformed’, but the FT has assigned editors, not just article authors, to feature this issue, as have some other notable media.

    To paraphrase one of the editors in the videos: (gist) “This is the most pressing story for the next five years”. And warnings are being given by Foroohar of exactly what is unfolding in Toronto’s case on the (gist) “absorption” of Intellectual Property (IP) by Google as is now happening with the UT’s urban software modelling presently being used in Toronto and region.

    For those who haven’t subscribed to the FT, the above articles linked are no all subscription. The FT allows some of the more important social issue articles to be read non-subscription. If you can’t access, Google (pun fully intended) “Foroohar Google FT” to access many of them.