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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Urban Field Speakers Series — Nelson Brissac lecture

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Tonight at Prefix Gallery in 401 Richmond, Nelson Brissac will be talking about recent changes in global industry (particularly mining and steel production) and how those changes may have affected the meaning of certain public artworks. I’ll be moderating the discussion, part of the Urban Field Speakers Series hosted in association with the Visible City Project, a program of talks on how art can transform the experience of the city.

Nelson Brissac is a philosopher whose research focusses on art and urbanism. A leading figure in Brazil’s bid to address its urban challenges, Brissac is the founder, organizer and curator of Arte/Cidade (Art/City), a series of “urban interventions” in Sà£o Paulo. Started in 1994, Arte/Cidade brings together artists and architects from around the world to rethink the structural and social dynamics of complex urban spaces.

Brissac has a Ph.D. from Université de Paris I – Sorbonne and was an invited researcher at Columbia University. He has published numerous books including Arte/Cidade: Intervencoes Urbanas (2002), Paisagens Urbanas (1996) and he co-authored America (1999). Brissac is currently a professor in the communication and semiotics programs at the Pontifical Catholic University of Sà£o Paulo.

Shawn Micallef is co-founder of the location-based mobile phone documentary project [murmur] that has spread from Toronto to Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, San José, Edinburgh and Dublin. He was a resident at the Canadian Film Centre’s Media Lab, and is an instructor at the Ontario College of Art and Design and an Associate Editor at Spacing magazine.

Thursday, April 26, 7:30 PM
Prefix Institute of Contemporary Art
401 Richmond Street West, Suite 124

( $8 or $5 for Prefix Photo Subscribers, Students & Seniors. Seating is limited and guaranteed to sell out, so be sure to arrive early. Series passes are available in advance or at the door; tickets to single events are available only at the door. Ticket sales begin at 7 PM. All door sales are cash only. Seats are reserved for passholders until 7:20 PM, after which they are released to single ticket buyers. The events start at 7:30 PM sharp.)
