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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Signs of Spring

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Mark Jenkins is one of my favourite public space artists. His latest work to celebrate the arrival of spring — in his home base of Washington DC — demonstrates that public art interventions can be extremely effective (and in this case quite charming) by being simple. Too often we see interventions that are meant to be layered in context and need an artist’s statement. Jenkins’ installations are brilliant for their elegance and ease of understanding.

photos by Mark Jenkins 



  1. I like the simplicity of it for sure.

    I also see the irony of the Do Not Enter sign right below the Mayflower sign on the hotel wall. Do not enter the Mayflower – that was meant for you, Eliot, er, Client 9.

  2. it’s amazing what a little strategically placed greenery will do. 🙂

  3. Too bad that someone couldn’t use the CN Tower as a sundial and mark off the time on the sidewalks and roads of Toronto.

  4. So lovely. Great art like that makes me sigh with delight.

  5. I like the concept. More city infrastructure could be critiqued and made lovely with this approach.