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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered



  1. Apart from the obtrusive garbage bins, I have no problems with Toronto’s street furniture, in general.

    Yeah, Viacom stiffed us by not putting the street signs on the bus shelters for 3 years, but take a look at these sleek beauties. The all glass design feels so weightless and delicate compared to the chunky steel boxes of the past.

    I don’t see eye-to-eye with Spacing’s beef about the Infoposts. Sure, they’re towering ad columns that operate under the thin guise of offering a map to pedestrians but the designs are somewhat iconic for our city and not entirely inelegant. Plus, this is not a new thing – the German “litfassauele” advertising column has existed since the late 1800s.

  2. I agree, the design of it is great. I have a real problem with the placement and functionality of it. The users’ experience with the info pillars seemed to be the last thing Astral thought about.
    The map is pretty crappy, too. Why show a map of the entire downtown instead of a closer view of the surrounding neighbourhood? Why place them in parks or in front of public art (Bloor and Spadina)?
    If these concerns are not raised then the City and ad companies will do as they please. You may not agree with the stand Spacing takes, but we can both agree that we need to give as much feedback as possible so that stupid decisions are not made on our behalf.