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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Spacing Radio is looking for interns

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Spacing Radio is looking for people to help out with our bi-weekly podcast. Whether you’re a working journalist or a postsecondary student looking to gain experience and pad your demo reel, the opportunity to work on Spacing Radio is something you shouldn’t pass up. Season 2 is already under way and we need your skills today.

Spacing Radio is hosted by David Michael Lamb (currently a national news anchor for CBC Radio) and produced by Mieke Anderson and the staff of Spacing, an award-winning Toronto magazine and blog network. Spacing covers the joys, obstacles and politics of the urban landscape in Toronto, across North America and around the world.

Here are the positions available:

1. Reporter-at-large
Applicants should demonstrate a strong interest or understanding of the issues affecting modern urban landscapes and provide evidence of a “nose for news.” Experience with portable audio recorders and editing software is necessary.

2. Associate producer and content editor
We’re looking for an audio junkie who can work with our reporters to make their stories shine. Duties will include on-location audio recording, editing/EQing raw audio files, compiling/mixing segments from multiple audio sources, and outputting and uploading finished files. Unfettered access to a digital audio workstation (ideally on a laptop) and a portable audio recorder is essential to this position.

Both positions are unpaid. The length of your involvement is flexible.

DEADLINE: Friday Oct 9, 2009

Interested? Send your resume and cover letter to
