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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

North York redux: A Leona Drive Project discussion event

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It’s a busy week for talking about North York: Last week I wrote about the Leona Drive project in Willowdale, tonight is the North York Modernist Forum, and on Wednesday a panel discussion at the North York library will discuss the Leona Drive project and the future of the suburbs, a hot topic for us at Spacing and the focus of our current edition on newsstands.

WHAT: Re-imagining the future of Toronto’s inner suburbs: An open dialogue on arts, creativity and community
Wednesday 28 October, 2009, 6:30-8pm
North York Central Library, 2nd floor – 5120 Yonge St / North York Centre subway station

John Filion
, City of Toronto city councillor, Ward 23 Willowdale
Lisa Rochon, Architecture Critic, The Globe and Mail
Robin Collyer, Artist
Shawn Micallef, Spacing, [murmur]
Douglas Young, Urban Studies, York University & co-author Changing Toronto
Janine Marchessault, Film, York University & Leona Drive Project co-curator

Reception to follow: John McKenzie House, 34 Parkview Ave, 8-10pm

Leona Drive will close at 5pm on this date.
