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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Montreal Moday: Election results, the future of the Turcot and Montreal as a muse

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Each Monday, we bring you some of the popular posts from our sister blog, Spacing Montreal. We’ll keep an eye open for topics and discussions that are pertinent to current public space issues in Toronto.

• The future of the contentious proposal to reconstruct Montreal’s Turcot interchange may be in doubt as Spacing Montreal’s Jacob Larsen sees signs of policy change at upper levels of government. The plan, which would see more than two hundred homes demolished and a capacity increase from 280 000 to 330 000 cars per day on the highway, has elicited passionate (and mostly negative) reactions ever since it was first proposed by Quebec’s Ministà¨re de Transport.

•  This week Spacing Montreal announced the launch of the new “coups de coeur” column “highlighting art, music, theater, film and literature that celebrate – and even create – this city and its neighbourhoods”.  The first post features a music video from the United Steelworkers of Montreal. The song, à‰mile Bertrand, is inspired by the famous (but now closed down) 100 year  “hot-dog and spruce beer joint” of the same name.

In light of the recent municipal election Chris Erb crunches the numbers to see how the results would have differed had Montreal retained its 2002 political boundaries.
