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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

Pigeon Condo Talks

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This is last minute, for today’s talk, but we’ll pretend everybody is reading this on a Blackberry or Palm Treo while moving around the city.

Pigeon Condo special guests Zavisha and John van Nostrand will be speaking in Toronto on Saturday, June 10 and Sunday, June 11 at the intersection of Yonge St. and Lakeshore Blvd.

All welcome!

Pigeon Condo is developing luxury housing for pigeons right in the heart of Toronto’s revitalized waterfront.

Sat. June 10, 2-4pm Guest speaker Zavisha will talk about the Roma people and how they are represented as the pigeons of the world.

Sun. June 11, 2-4pm Guest speaker John van Nostrand will talk about The Unplanned City. He will talk about the unplanned development of Toronto, and its similarities with the contemporary, unplanned growth of developing cities; he will argue for toning down the planning regime — in order to encourage more decision making by individuals and communities.

All public talks will take place at the corner of Yonge St. and Lakeshore Blvd.

Call 647-723-5410 for your own virtual tour, or log on to

“If you had wings, you’d be home by now…”
