By John Lorinc
LORINC: A Trip Advisor for rental apartments?
When the members of the Municipal Licensing and Standards committee meet tomorrow at City Hall, they’ll be considering the latest attempt to license the...
LORINC: Why Toronto needs to use open data to improve apartment safety
When I went on Kijiji Thursday morning, I quickly found the following listing: a basement apartment in a bungalow for $515 a month, to share with two...
LORINC: Bombardier’s Mexico problem
According to the latest pronouncements from company executives, the epic shemozzle that is the TTC’s Bombardier streetcar contract — for 204 low-floor...
LORINC: What Toronto can learn from street fighter Janette Sadik-Khan
Toronto has only one short and unflattering walk-on part in Janette Sadik Khan’s fascinating account of her experiences as the crusading transportation...
LORINC: Cops investigating cops
The Ontario coroner’s decision last week to call an inquest into the shooting death of Andrew Loku, a 45-year-old man killed last summer by Toronto police...
LORINC: Which transit projects should be built first?
If you’re ever in the market for a choice example of bureaucratic obfuscation, look no further than the following section in the slightly amended version...
Rob Ford, 1969-2016: A legacy he never intended
If I have to alight on one incident of surpassing significance amidst the mayhem of Rob Ford’s mayoralty, I find myself bypassing the chaos of the scrums...
LORINC: waiting for the other shoe to drop on inclusionary zoning
In what seemed like one in a series of tactical policy announcements meant to burnish their progressive bone fides, Kathleen Wynne’s Liberals last week...
LORINC: Transit relief is long way down the road
If you have kids or once were one, you may have recognized the tactic that York Region’s politicians attempted last week when they scurried off to Ottawa...
LORINC: Airport and Portlands to be transit hubs of activity?
All of a sudden, two glimmering celestial objects have appeared in the night sky above that fantastical dreamscape we sometimes refer to as Greater...
LORINC: Tell me how Toronto will pay for transit plans — then I’ll get excited
A few years ago, University of Toronto Schools teacher Josh Fullan and I concocted a transit game for the students in his Maximum City program. Each group...
LORINC: How the City plans to pay for services in the future
The 2016 budget debate, which lands today at executive committee after doing the usual rounds, has offered up a curious mix of urgency and its opposite...