By John Lorinc
LORINC: The War on LRT has begun
In the aftermath of a council debate that showcased some of the most venal and short-sighted political decision-making I’ve ever witnessed at City Hall, a...
LORINC: Mr. Soknacki Goes to City Hall
Hello, viewers out there. It’s time for yet another installment of…. (drum roll)… “Let’s Make A Decision!” with your co-hosts Rob Ford and Karen Stintz...
LORINC: Subway Nation rises again
Ever the shrewd tactician, Prime Minsiter Stephen Harper delivered one heck of a chess move yesterday when he and finance minister Jim Flaherty announced...
LORINC: The Wychwood Barns, Sam’s sign, and how we know what heritage means
Not long after I moved into the St. Clair West area, in the mid-1990s, I heard about a City-run consultation on the future of the long shuttered TTC car...
LORINC: Wynne offers up Murray as Scarborough subway punching bag
If the latest skirmish over the Scarborough subway had a leitmotif, it was that of the minister as loose cannon. “Ontario’s transportation minister [Glen...
LORINC: Union Station re-visited, part II
It’s sometimes said that surgeons and commercial pilots out-distance all other professions for sang froid and audacity. But if I had to make another...
LORINC: Union Station, re-visited
As we walk carefully along a catwalk suspended high above the railway platforms at Union Station, David Swanson, Metrolinx’ senior construction supervisor...
LORINC: The many faces of Giambrone
If I tried to catalogue the full inventory of Adam Giambrone’s prevarications in the Scarborough-Guildwood by-election, which will be decided on Thursday...
LORINC: Taking new streetcar out for a spin
Riding the TTC’s new LRV on its maiden daylight voyage down Bathurst Street yesterday was a bit like taking a very showy sports car out for a spin. Heads...
LORINC: Why City Council’s Scarborough subway is another undecision
Okay, so now what? After last week’s multi-act debacle, the question hovering over Toronto city council’s Scarborough subway gamble is the obvious one...
LORINC: No more clarity needed on transit from city hall
On the eve of council’s debate over the foolish plan to tear up the City’s $8.7 billion deal with Metrolinx, I’d like to dredge up a detail from recent...
LORINC: 8 things to consider about the Scarborough Subway
Karen and Rob are kinda-sorta-friends again. The Liberals have found a way to mollify the long-suffering, wet-footed people of Scarborough. By-elections...