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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Great Fire of Toronto in 1904 video clip

    [flv][/flv] I haven’t been a fan of the Toronto Star’s recent addition of comments to...

  • Star reports on “dapper” Igor

    Spacing has never been a magazine that discusses the merits of any particular person’s appearance, but today we’ll make that exception. The...

  • Why Toronto’s street-side trees are dying, part CXVIII

    Five street trees in planter boxes at Yonge and Finch, August 2007 Last summer I wrote a post about a sad patch of street trees near the southwest corner...

  • Banksy identity revealed?

    It seems that Banksy, the world’s most popular stencil graffiti artist, has been identified. Part of the allure of Banksy has been the combination...

  • Yonge and Dundas ready to scramble

    click on photo for larger version * photo by Sam Javanrouh If you’ve been to Yonge and Dundas in the last few days you may have noticed that a new...

  • A tale of two cities development signage

    Toronto development application sign A few months ago I bought myself a decent SLR camera, so I’ve been carrying it around. I often use it as a way...

  • The Stop Sign as a platform

    One of my favourite forms of graffiti art is the alteration of the stop sign. It provides a very prominent platform for anyone who has a desire to express...

  • Full moon bike ride tonight

    WHAT: Toronto Cyclists Union Full Moon Ride WHERE: meet at the southeast corner of Warden and St. Clair (Warden Subway Station) WHEN: meet at 9:15 p.m....

  • BREAKING NEWS: TTC suspends streetcar purchases; bids non-compliant

    A Siemens rendering from 2007 of a possible new TTC streetcar This rather interesting tidbit of TTC news just arrived in Spacing’s inbox: The...

  • Highway lessons from Shanghai?

    View from pedestrian bridge under Shanghai elevated highway, but above Lake Shore Blvd.-style road The recent decision by city council to begin the...

  • Attractive traffic calming

    Last night I came across a rather attractive traffic calmer. It uses bricks instead of the now-traditional speed bump. It creates the same effect that is...

  • Naples needs to learn from WALL-E.

    Last weekend I went and saw the animated flick WALL-E. While the movie is obviously marketed towards children, the storyline is certainly one for adults...