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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • The Big Pipe and parks for dogs

    Eye Weekly had two interesting bits in this week’s edition: First, Enviro columnist Gord Perks writes about the Big Pipe in York Region (the...

  • Pimp my subway ride

    If the new streetcar designs that we posted about yesterday weren’t enough to get you hot, check out what the TTC is considering to replace their...

  • Planning for bikes

    Yesterday in Toronto, the Bikeway Planning and Development Workshop was held at Ontario Place gathering 30 municipal planners and transportation planners...

  • While we’re talking about streetcars…

    We’ve been talking about the crappy side of streetcars for the last week. Here’s something that might cheer up the transit geek in you: On...

  • More St. Clair ROW stuff

    The Globe and Mail wrote about the City of Toronto’s plan to challenge the three-panel judges decision to stop construction of the St. Clair...

  • Access All Areas book launch tonight

    Even though Ninjalicous, the creative force behind Infiltration, passed away in late August he is still helping us go to places where we are told not to...

  • Capture The Flag! U of T

    Friday October 21st 2005 • 100 St. George Street • 8:30 PM Gargoyles, peacocks and beavers, oh my! Newmindspace invites you to join them for a...

  • Thank you, John Sewell

    John Sewell, the former mayor of Toronto from 1979-81, has been writing about city issues for Globe and Mail, Eye Weekly and NOW for 18 years. This week...

  • Toronto’s Bike Plan gets the gears

    Spacing managing editor Dale Duncan wrote in Eye Weely about Toronto’s Bike Plan, and the bike lane proposal that would stretch across Bloor and the...

  • Urban Leadership Awards

    The Canadian Urban Institute, the nation’s leader in progressive civic policy development, annually recognizes people and organizations with their...

  • Metropass Affinity Program

    File this under: WHY ISN’T THE TTC COMING UP WITH THESE IDEAS? The Metropass Affinity Program (MAP) is an initiative by the Sierra Club of Canada...

  • The value of public space in dollars

    There is no real way to express the value of the public realm of a city. But we can certainly measure its importance to our consumer-driven economy as...