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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Life in the Bike Lane

    Offthemapgallery is moving to a new location and celebrating the move with a Green Bike Convoy and an exhibition called Life in the Bike Lane curated by...

  • Study of cycling in Canada

    The Victoria Transport Policy Institute has issued an interesting study comparing cycling in six major Canadian cities. Despite Toronto’s many...

  • How would you make Toronto a better city?

    The final results of the “Think Outside the Box” initiative—a month-long chance to vote for the top priority among a list of issues are in...

  • Ad share

    The Guardian has a story about the rapid succes of Vélo’v which is reportedly the largest bike share organization in the world...

  • Accidental Cyclists

    A group of concerned cyclists has started a project called Ghostcycle in Seattle. The group gathered data about local bicycle collisions and then chained...

  • Public Office Space

    The Globe and Mail has a rare article about the increased demand for better office space including bicycle amenities, better food and public-private...

  • NOW takes on smog

    Last week NOW ran an article on the top 10 things Toronto can do to fight smog in the city. The ideas may be unrealistic in the current political climate...

  • Bikes and feet

    Christopher Hume had an outpouring of response to his recent column on the state of walking in Toronto. He mainly focused his derision on drivers, but...
