Civic Engagement
LORINC: The Subway in the Room
Almost a year ago, the Toronto Star’s Jennifer Pagliaro published a story detailing, with her trademark meticulousness, how then chief planner and now...
By John Lorinc -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 026, Interesting Times
In this episode, we speak with Cycle Toronto’s Liz Sutherland for a Vision Zero update, and what the new Ontario government means to cycling...
By Spacing Radio -
The legal case against Ford’s assault on local democracy
There was a collective jaw drop when Premier Doug Ford announced, seemingly out of the blue, that Toronto’s wards would be decreased from 47 to 25. But...
By Alexandra Flynn -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 025, “Until We’re Safe”
In this episode, we discuss the problems with policing in Toronto. Alok Mukherjee was Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board from 2005-2015. In that...
By Spacing Radio -
What TCHC needs to do next with Regent Park
This is a guest column from Shauna Brail and Alfred Jean-Baptiste Over the relatively short time span of just over a decade, Regent Park has gone from a...
By Shauna Brail -
Why I revived the Bureau of Municipal Research
Ten years ago, as a grad student researching the history of Toronto’s waterfront, I came across a study, published in 1977, that could very well have been...
By Gabriel Eidelman -
The need for site-specific works of art
Daniel Young and Christian Giroux’s new public art piece— Three Points Where Two Lines Meet, located at the intersection of Bathurst and Vaughan—has...
By Sarah Ratzlaff -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 024, Ontario Votes!
Election day is fast approaching, advanced polls are already open, so let’s talk Ontario. We’re joined by TV Ontario’s John Michael...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 023, Winning Women
If you can read this, the 2018 Toronto election has begun! Toronto City Council has a problem when it comes to gender parity and diversity. Women Win...
By Spacing Radio -
THE ARTFUL CITY: The Performance of Revolutionary Feasibility at Nuit Blanche
By: Emily Dickson Talking about revolution can feel futile and racy and urgent and faux pas all at once. Monument to the Century of Revolutions...
By The Artful City -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 021, Pride & Place
We’re celebrating Black History Month with a special episode. Author and placemaker Jay Pitter is our special guest host, and she introduces us to a...
By Spacing Radio -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 020, Loose Ends
This episode, we follow up on some stories from last year. We follow up on what became of the Ten Year Tent City in Vacouver with Ethel Whitty, director...
By Spacing Radio