Hopscotching their way to Ottawa’s City Hall
In a city where streets form up to 35 percent of the public space (compared to Toronto’s 27.4 percent), Ottawa artists and city councilor Clive...
By Sarah Magwood -
Different kinds of gateways
I was flipping through the photoblog of Rannie Turingan and stumbled upon this great graffiti piece. It reminded me of the short article I wrote in the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Missing Plaque Project: Postering as a historical proclamation
Inasmuch as history is supposed to be rooted in objectively recorded facts, such accounts often overlook the multi-layered texture of people’s lives...
By Sarah Magwood -
Playing aground with installation in Parkdale
Do you like making art but find that Nuit Blanche keeps you up too far past your bedtime? Well, maybe submitting to PLAY/GROUNDS, a new festival of...
By Leah Sandals -
Making CONTACT with transit art issues
As ample local coverage reminds us, the CONTACT Toronto Photography Festival — which is apparently, now the world’s largest photo fest in...
By Leah Sandals -
Lukewarm doc on global hotness & cool city politics flick
Hot Docs is almost — but not quite! — over and there’s still lots of films worth seeing. Here’s one for Mr. Baird & Mr. Harper to kick...
By Leah Sandals -
Urban Field Speakers Series — Nelson Brissac lecture
Tonight at Prefix Gallery in 401 Richmond, Nelson Brissac will be talking about recent changes in global industry (particularly mining and steel...
By Shawn Micallef -
Let’s all love movies about hating Toronto and about what terrible gentrifiers we are
Last night, a few Spacing editors had an opportunity to screen two, I would say, very important new documentaries about Toronto: Let’s All Hate...
By Leah Sandals -
Call for Urban Interventions: Madrid
Pictures, an intervention by Mandla Reuter that featured at Madrid Abierto 2007. MADRID ABIERTO 2008: CALL FOR ARTISTS Deadline: 15th June 2007 For more...
By Michelle Kasprzak -
Got public space issues? Doc ’em, hotly, this month
Though our city is dang cold, Hot Docs excitement is building. In sifting through the program I spotted the following films of special interest to various...
By Leah Sandals -
Vimy Ridge
An interesting fact about the square kilometer of land surrounding the Canadian National Vimy Memorial found on Hill 145 in the the Pas-de-Calais is that...
By Shawn Micallef -
My street furniture includes… chalkboards
While debates rage on about the future of Toronto’s sidewalk-styled chesterfields and such, a Halifax art student is taking the question of...
By Leah Sandals