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Canadian Urbanism Uncovered

  • Life in the Bike Lane

    Offthemapgallery is moving to a new location and celebrating the move with a Green Bike Convoy and an exhibition called Life in the Bike Lane curated by...

  • Street art from around the world

    If a wide range of graffiti and street art excites you, then you should bookmark the site Streetsy. The site is updated daily with most of the images...

  • Two new visions for the TTC

    Vision #1: TTC commissioners will be debating on Wednesday whether Fleet Street should be home to the city’s next streetcar right-of-way (it would...

  • Torn posters of Sydeny

    Sean Gannan, a Torontonian transplanted to Sydney, has been avidly photographing hoardings and walls where generations of posters and handbills have been...

  • Banksy graffiti on Israel’s wall

    The British “guerrilla graffiti” artist Banksy has created a series of graffiti on the security wall that Israel is building through the West...

  • Recycled Trash Bins

    ArchitectureChicago PLUS reports on the finalists for a Chicago’s Young Architect’s Forum’s competition for a recycling receptacle in...

  • A new bike rack painter

    They say imitation is form of flattery, so the City Beautification Ensemble should be pleased that they are spawning copycats. The CBE, known around the...

  • The Other Way

    For those of you who are considering submitting something for The Better Way exhibition, take a look at this Metro Arts and Architecture website...

  • Scientific Art

    The Ontario Science Centre has a new website showing the shortlist of pubilc artworks for its Grand Hall. There are some provocative and interesting...

  • Ride the Rocket subway party

    On Tuesday, August 16th, you are invited to join a subway party for a night of cosmic proportions. Bring: costumes, instruments, bubbles, decorations...

  • Dark News

    In the Toronto Star today: Christopher Hume sees the dark and supports the cause for annual blackout day. Meanwhile renegade senior citizens fight...

  • Community garden in Kensington

    A mystery washing machine, filled with dirt and flowers, has appeared on sidewalks around Kensington over the last few weeks. Spacing intern Liz Worth...
