BOOKS: What are you reading?
For those of you with a city-focused book fetish, you should be looking forward to Spacing’s upcoming issue where we review a handful of excellent...
By Matthew Blackett -
Ride the rainbow of Bloor-Danforth
Since there has been a lot of discussion in the post just below about preserving the TTC’s subway tiles, I thought it would be a good time to post a...
By Matthew Blackett -
One book: The great divide
John and Bridget were living together in a part of town called Riverdale. David had educated them (whether they wanted to be or not) in the history of...
By Dale Duncan -
The Things We Lost in the Fire
Looking east on Queen Street from Bathurst Street, 1924. The three- storey and two-storey buildings on the right were destroyed in the fire. Media...
By Gary Miedema -
One Book: Campbell House
He walked west along Queen Street, away from the centre of town. On the northwest corner of University and Queen sat a little building called Campbell...
By Dylan Reid -
Blogging the Blaze, part II
Back in 2002, Kevin Steele became the first Toronto photoblogger I followed with regularity. I’ve always enjoyed his series of photos that are...
By Matthew Blackett -
Queen West fire
The fire on Queen Street West near Bathurst is all over the news today. Five buildings are seriously damaged, Duke’s Cycle is gone and the building...
By Matthew Blackett -
The Hidden Jewel of Hull
Marc Dubé is the owner of most of the parking lots in downtown Hull. He was kind enough to agree to an interview with The Impervious P-lot...
By Amber Yared -
Razing Bishop’s Block to save it
At the corner of University and Adelaide, an empty parking is slowly being converted into a luxury condo. But in my opinion, its the heritage building...
By Matthew Blackett -
TEST: Which year was this photo taken?
A few weeks ago, I posted a Toronto Archives photo challenging Spacing Toronto readers to guess the year it was captured. With the city currently...
By Matthew Blackett -
Remnants of Niagara’s “Arc de Triomphe”
Toronto has its share of odd historic artifacts scattered about town. Some of the most quirky bits, perhaps, are a couple of big stone medallions, back to...
By Gary Miedema -
Toronto’s history in phone numbers
When I was growing up in the Toronto suburb of Willowdale, the community where “Downtown North York” is located, almost all of my friends had...
By Matthew Blackett