Pressure from West-end Waterfront residents working on Watson
In April, the Spacing Wire reported on a plan to turn some waterfront parkland near the newly renovated Palais Royale into a parking lot. The Parkdale...
By Dylan Reid -
King-Spadina Area Plan Review
Last night, I attended a very interesting presentation/workshop about a review of the city’s “secondary plan” (the detailed urban...
By Dylan Reid -
Live, from North York
Hello from historic Gibson house, one of the City of Toronto’s many fine museums. I just went over to the historic plaque, to see why it was...
By Shawn Micallef -
Vacant Lots and Orphan Spaces
There has been a lot of excitement in Toronto recently about the potential of revitalizing the public space of the city. Two new exhibitions are currently...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Pooling for Rooftop Solar
Spacing editor Leah Sandals reports: As reported in the Star today, consortiums of Toronto homeowners are pooling together to mass-purchase and install...
By Spacing -
Bits and bites about the winning waterfront design
On Friday, we reported that the West 8 design team had won the competition to redesign our Waterfront. Here’s what some of the mainstream media had...
By Ian Malczewski -
Live from Etobicoke Centre
Sitting in the parking lot of Mongomery’s Inn “Etobicoke’s Museum” on the banks of the mighty Mimico Creek at Islington and...
By Shawn Micallef -
Soft City Workshop @ Riverdale Art Walk Sunday
UPBAG’s Soft City Workshop at the Riverdale Art Walk: Sunday, June 4, 1-5 pm, Toronto Free Gallery (660 Queen Street East) The Soft City is an...
By Matthew Blackett -
T.Ode Continues (to battle road rage)
This morning our trailer was parked along the side of St. Lawrence Market until about noon, on the west side. Airstreams were built for Montana, not...
By Shawn Micallef -
. . . And the winner is:
Well, even though the official announcement isn’t for another two hours the Star is reporting that West 8 has won the Waterfront design competition...
By Ian Malczewski -
Laneway tours
Graeme Parry leads great little tours of Toronto’s laneways. His first one starts this Saturday. There are a bunch of other tours this summer if you...
By Matthew Blackett -
Spadina Expressway renderings
Spacing is throwing a party to honour the work of community activists that saved Toronto from the perils of superhighways. 35 Years Without the Spadina...
By Matthew Blackett