Patchwork soccer
Spacing‘s “Work and Play” issue discussed the importance of play in public space, both as a way of asserting public use of space, and as...
By Dylan Reid -
Community transformation examples
The Sierra Club has an interesting feature on its website which allows you to flip through images of reimagined intersections in suburban sprawl areas...
By Matthew Blackett -
Sewell on street signs
John Sewell writes in Eye this week about the erection of the re-designed street signs. Over the past year he has had a very difficult time getting City...
By Matthew Blackett -
A Toronto Poster Project
Artist Jackie Kriekle has put up a bunch of posters around Toronto neighbourhoods that invite people to explore and possibly comment on those areas. This...
By Shawn Micallef -
Plant seeds not bullets
The Toronto Star has a good news story about urban farming in the Jane-Finch neighbourhood. Run by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority the urban...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Finch Avenue does the collapse
The wicked storm that passed through Toronto on the weekend did some serious damage. Spacing is lucky enough to have been forwarded photos from a resident...
By Matthew Blackett -
Vital Images
Calling all Toronto photographers. Another intiative by the Toronto Community Foundation is a call for submissions for vital images. They are seeking...
By Chris Hardwicke -
Paris artists need your help
We know this happens all over the world but we still wanted to bring your attention to it: A group of artists in Paris have taken over a big, abandoned...
By Matthew Blackett -
We Heart Dufferin Grove Park
Spacing editor Dale Duncan, writes in Eye this week: “From the bus stop outside Dufferin Mall, Dufferin Grove seems like many of the other 1,460...
By Matthew Blackett -
A new bike rack painter
They say imitation is form of flattery, so the City Beautification Ensemble should be pleased that they are spawning copycats. The CBE, known around the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Community garden in Kensington
A mystery washing machine, filled with dirt and flowers, has appeared on sidewalks around Kensington over the last few weeks. Spacing intern Liz Worth...
By Matthew Blackett -
Changing tides of Chinatown
From the Toronto Star today: “Community leaders believe two seemingly contradictory goals — clinging to tradition and more savvy marketing...
By Matthew Blackett