Toronto, Queen’s Park, and the circus at the School Board
If Premier Kathleen Wynne truly had the courage of the convictions that made her a great education advocate a decade ago, she’d ditch the measured calls...
By John Lorinc -
Good Reads: Special Edition of Fort York’s newsletter Fife & Drum
A special edition of the Friends of Fort York’s quarterly newsletter, Fife and Drum was released recently to celebrate the opening of the new visitor...
By Shawn Micallef -
BURALE: Ford Nation is not dead
Idil Burale is a new contributor to Spacing and recently ran in ward 1 for city councillor On October 27th, Torontonians – much to the disappointment of...
By Idil Burale -
Nicknaming the Toronto Skyline — why buildings need affectionate names
With the L Tower nearing completion, Toronto’s horizon has been pierced by another iconic skyscraper. The L Tower’s semicircular form is instantly...
By Daniel Rotsztain -
There are 100 graves in the parking lot of this mall
The 100 or so people interred at Christie’s Methodist Cemetery near Warden and Finch never expected they would spend a portion of eternity buried...
By Chris Bateman -
Two Toronto nurses and one of the most terrible nights of the First World War
One dark night in the summer of 1918, the HMHS Llandovery Castle was steaming through the waters of the North Atlantic. She was far off the southern tip...
By Adam Bunch -
Fallen Toronto
Long-time Spacing illustrator Matthew Borrett has re-imagined his popular “Future Shoreline?” image, which appeared in the magazine’s...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Memo to Tory — find a transit quick win
Last week, mayor-elect John Tory went out of his way, via drive-time interviews on talk radio, to assure drivers that their commute would be easier by...
By John Lorinc -
EARLY BIRD SALE: Spacing + City of Neighbourhoods transit toques
WHAT: Streetcar and Subway toques WHO: Spacing + City of Neighbourhoods COST: $35 WHEN: Wed., Nov 5 – Fri, Nov 14 A Spacing exclusive! Spacing has...
By Mike Bulko -
MESLIN: The myth of the five-week election
As the dust settles from the 2014 municipal election and political commentators begin to reflect on what happened, two common themes are emerging. First...
By Dave Meslin -
REID: How many people vote randomly for school board trustee?
I’ve noticed that, in school board elections, even the bottom candidates tend to get a fairly large number of votes compared to the bottom...
By Dylan Reid -
Does Toronto need a transit referendum?
Transit referendums are a common tool in the US to raise money for infrastructure investment. I have not found evidence of them being used to date in...
By Shoshanna Saxe