LORINC: Can Tory get SmartTrack off the launch pad?
Toronto’s last two mayors, though polar opposites, both began their terms of office almost identically — with short, crisp council meetings designed to...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto Park People launch the Park Toolkit
Last week, Toronto Park People released their Park Toolkit, a collection of how-to handbooks for hosting community park events. Below is a Q&A with...
By Matthew Blackett -
Public Space Invaders: film night call for submissions
WHAT: Calls for submission for Public Space Invaders, a night of short films about Toronto and urban issues EMAIL SUBMISSIONS: spaceinvaders@spacing.ca...
By Spacing -
How Tomlin’s Creek was lost, found, and lost again
There’s ancient Lake Iroquois sand on Glen Davis Crescent near Kingston Rd. and Woodbine Ave., you just have to look closely to see it. A clue to...
By Chris Bateman -
Toronto’s mayoral election in five more maps
Yesterday, University of Toronto Professor David Hulchanski summarized the link between Monday’s election results and the increasing socioeconomic...
By Sean Marshall -
Toronto’s mayoral election in four maps
Over the past three decades, Toronto has become an increasingly divided city, economically and racially. And those divisions were starkly apparent in...
By David Hulchanski -
The first (almost) Canadian President
There’s a small town on the very western edge of England, not far from the River Severn, which marks the border with Wales. It’s called Thornbury. It’s a...
By Adam Bunch -
LORINC: Mr. Tory Goes to City Hall
My operating hypothesis about the way mayor-elect John Tory plans to run council is that he’s going to try to emulate Mel Lastman’s political approach to...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: What we didn’t talk about during this election
Remarkably, given the duration of the campaign and the sheer number of debates, the mayoral candidates managed to either completely ignore or give the...
By John Lorinc -
LORINC: Lessons for Toronto from Nenshi Nation
After the interminable awfulness of Toronto’s election campaign, and just hours following the horror show in Ottawa, Calgary mayor Naheed Nenshi...
By John Lorinc -
Lake Ontario is a Sea
A few weeks ago I biked over to The Guild park. Known for its collection of modern Toronto “ruins”, a bonus to visiting the park is its unobstructed view...
By Daniel Rotsztain -
Public Space Invaders: film night call for submissions
WHAT: Calls for submission for Public Space Invaders, a night of short films about Toronto and urban issues EMAIL SUBMISSIONS: spaceinvaders@spacing.ca...
By Spacing