Remembering the Rogers Road streetcar
Intersection of Rogers and Old Weston Roads, looking west, August 4, 1972 From Toronto Archives – Fonds 1526, File 72, Item 61 At the end of rush...
By Sean Marshall -
Healing Rituals in Public Spaces
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the most recent Rwandan genocide against Tutsi people. Like most non-Rwandan people I learned about the...
By Jay Pitter -
Enhancing the Urban Water Experience
Editor’s note: This is the fifth post in a series by students at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Each piece features...
By Sonia Ramundi -
Finding the Ravine: Gateway to Toronto’s Urban Edges
Editor’s note: This is the fourth post in a series by students at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Each piece features...
By Sonia Ramundi -
Rain to River: Storm Water Infrastructure for the People
Editor’s note: This is the third post in a series by students at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Each piece...
By Sonia Ramundi -
Beyond the Big Box
Editor’s note: This is the second post in a series by students at the John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design. Each piece...
By Sonia Ramundi -
LORINC: Rethinking the integrity commissioner’s role
According to media reports from last week’s marathon council session, Toronto politicians slapped Giorgio Mammoliti with toughest possible penalty for...
By John Lorinc -
Between The Ravine and The City
Carving through much of Toronto is the largest network of ravines in any city in the world, providing 10,500 hectares of wilderness escape to its...
By Sonia Ramundi -
What happened to all the public washrooms in Toronto?
When nature calls in Toronto, it’s usually an obliging bar or cafe that answers. Outside of city parks and public buildings, public washrooms are...
By Chris Bateman -
The guy Toronto was originally named after — and his big sex scandal
This column towers above the city of London, England in one of the prominent spots in town. It’s at the top of some stairs just down the street from...
By Adam Bunch -
Good reads: summer 2014 issue of Fort York’s free newsletter, Fife and Drum, is out
The summer issue of the Friends of Fort York’s quarterly newsletter, Fife and Drum was released last month. The articles include: An essay on why the...
By Shawn Micallef -
The Atlanta BeltLine: Catalyst infrastructure and city systems
Atlanta, GA, the sprawling southern metropolis, has followed a classic pattern of modern North American urban growth. As the city developed over time, its...
By Claire Nelischer