Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Monday
MAYOR ROB FORD Rob Ford claims Left wants him ‘off campaign trail’ as council votes to appoint Holyday’s replacement [National Post] Hulk Hogan throws arm...
By Kayla-Jane Barrie -
LORINC: Union Station re-visited, part II
It’s sometimes said that surgeons and commercial pilots out-distance all other professions for sang froid and audacity. But if I had to make another...
By John Lorinc -
CONCRETE TORONTO: Rochdale College
Over the next several weeks, Spacing will be publishing a series of articles from Concrete Toronto: A Guidebook to Concrete Architecture from the Fifties...
By Concrete Toronto -
WHAT: Urbanism Road Trip: Detroit WHEN: Saturday and Sunday, September 28-29 WHERE: Detroit, Michigan (departing from Toronto) COST: $125 (does not...
By Spacing -
Event: The Bridging Festival this weekend in Scarborough
If you’ve ever wanted to get to know Scarborough better, but didn’t exactly know how, head to the Bridging Festival this weekend in the...
By Shawn Micallef -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Wednesday
TRANSPORTATION TTC workers say new uniform colours are too Habs-like [Toronto Star] Toronto transit workers reject Canadiens-coloured uniforms [CBC...
By Stephen Brophy -
One of the CNE’s weirdest exhibits ever: live animal surgeries in the early 1960s
The Ex had never been more popular than it was in 1962 and ’63. More than three million people walked through the gates during those years. The...
By Adam Bunch -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Tuesday
TRANSPORTATION TTC industrial accident sends two to hospital [Toronto Star] Spadina-King intersection to re-open tomorrow [Toronto Star] TTC: Pape Station...
By Stephen Brophy -
LORINC: Union Station, re-visited
As we walk carefully along a catwalk suspended high above the railway platforms at Union Station, David Swanson, Metrolinx’ senior construction supervisor...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Friday
TRANSPORTATION Metrolinx construction leaves a bad taste in Weston [Toronto Star] Yonge-University subway returns to normal [Toronto Star] Toronto parking...
By Julie Fish -
Regent Park Placemakers: Meet Aleshia, a former Angry Girl
This past spring, Jay led her first ever Jane’s Walk — the Not So Typical Regent Park Walk. As a writer and narratologist, Jay was interested in leading a...
By Jay Pitter -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Wednesday
TRANSPORTATION Parking tickets: Toronto’s hotspots revealed [Toronto Star] TTC takes to YouTube to explain Pape Station 12-day closure [Toronto...
By Stephen Brophy