LORINC: The many faces of Giambrone
If I tried to catalogue the full inventory of Adam Giambrone’s prevarications in the Scarborough-Guildwood by-election, which will be decided on Thursday...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Friday
TRANSPORTATION GO could offer TTC riders faster relief [Toronto Star] Bells keep ringing on new streetcars [Toronto Star] POLITICS Toronto councillor...
By Stephen Brophy -
SPACING FILMS: Trenton Terrace, laneway housing in Parkdale
Each Friday, we present Spacing Films — short docs based on articles that have previously appeared in Spacing magazine. The first four films will focus...
By Nicola Nemy -
CONCRETE TORONTO: The Don Valley Parkway and suburban growth
Over the next several weeks, Spacing will be publishing a series of articles from Concrete Toronto: A Guidebook to Concrete Architecture from the Fifties...
By Concrete Toronto -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Thursday
TRANSPORTATION TTC ponders using electrified GO corridors for a subway relief line [Toronto Star] TTC tries to get name right on Pioneer Village...
By Stephen Brophy -
EVENT: Listen to Toronto at Labspace Studio’s “The Noise Project”
WHAT: The Noise Project by Labspace Studio WHERE: 99 Gallery (99 Sudbury Street, in the West Queen West Triangle) WHEN: Friday, July 26, 6pm-12am and...
By Sheraz Khan -
LORINC: Taking new streetcar out for a spin
Riding the TTC’s new LRV on its maiden daylight voyage down Bathurst Street yesterday was a bit like taking a very showy sports car out for a spin. Heads...
By John Lorinc -
IN THIS ISSUE: Rethinking public consultation systems
The Summer 2013 issue of Spacing is jammed packed with a slew of great articles, photos, and interviews focused on Toronto urbanism. This article appears...
By Spacing -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Wednesday
TRANSPORTATION TTC: Media enjoy preview ride aboard new streetcars [Toronto Star] Mayor Rob Ford paints curbs red for Toronto traffic project [Toronto...
By Stephen Brophy -
The Great Toronto Stork Derby — why the city went baby crazy during the Great Depression
It all started on Halloween in 1926. That’s the day Charles Vance Millar died. He was a rich Toronto lawyer and financier — best known for modernizing a...
By Adam Bunch -
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
REID: Toronto is not a grid
We usually think of Toronto — at least the older part of it — as being based on a grid of streets. One of the city’s free weekly newspapers even...
By Dylan Reid