Regent Park Placemakers: Youth Empowering Parents
This past spring, Jay led her first ever Jane’s Walk — the Not So Typical Regent Park Walk. As a writer and narratologist, Jay was interested in leading a...
By Jay Pitter -
Street Scene will appear each week showcasing the illustrations of local artist Jerry Waese.
By Jerry Waese -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Friday
INFRASTRUCTURE No lawn? In Mississauga that could cost you [Toronto Star] Toronto flood: Underground equipment sank Hydro One [Toronto Star] Reduced...
By Julie Fish -
LORINC: 8 things to consider about the Scarborough Subway
Karen and Rob are kinda-sorta-friends again. The Liberals have found a way to mollify the long-suffering, wet-footed people of Scarborough. By-elections...
By John Lorinc -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Thursday
TORONTO STORM Toronto flooding: One couple’s battle against rising water [Toronto Star] GO Transit offers riders on flood-stranded Richmond Hill...
By Julie Fish -
CONCRETE TORONTO: Cultural amnesia about concrete architecture
Over the next several weeks, Spacing will be publishing a series of articles from Concrete Toronto: A Guidebook to Concrete Architecture from the Fifties...
By Concrete Toronto -
A new way of listening to Toronto
Cities have always inspired musicians. However, a Toronto-based OCADU student, Marc de Pape, has recently created an instrument called the Chime that...
By Stephen Brophy -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Wednesday
TORONTO STORM Toronto flooding: ‘Lost’ rivers reappear when nature takes charge [Toronto Star] Toronto flooding: Storm renews debate on aging...
By Stephen Brophy -
Toronto Flood 2013: The revenge of Garrison Creek
It’s no coincidence that places like Christie Pits, Trinity Bellwoods Park, and the train bridge underpass at King and Atlantic streets were all affected...
By Todd Harrison -
A bird’s-eye tour of Toronto in the early 1930s
The late 1920s and early 1930s were an important time in the building of Toronto. Many of the city’s most beautiful landmarks opened in those few...
By Adam Bunch -
Pedestrian countdown signals reduce collisions
Last Thursday, a car performed an astonishingly dangerous turn in front of traffic at Lake Shore Blvd. and Bay. It collided with another car, and they...
By Dylan Reid -
Toronto’s Urbanism Headlines: Tuesday
TORONTO STORM Storms stall TTC, GO as roads, tracks and stations flood [Toronto Star] Severe thunderstorms cause flooding, blackouts, havoc on roads...
By Stephen Brophy