ELECTION: Rethinking progressive populism
If I’m a populist, it’s because I’m with the majority. And the majority want to live in a city with dignity. For decades, my practice of political...
By Alejandra Bravo -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 066, Toronto Election Engagement
The Toronto municipal election is underway, and we’ll be spending the summer bringing you coverage, all the way up to E-Day on October 24th. But how...
By Spacing Radio -
The Bentway kicks off a packed summer
Tucked under The Bentway by the Strachan Gate, the Bentway hosted its STREET series summit kick-off weekend on May 27-28. The Bentway is an organization...
By Liam McCurry -
REID: The Toronto vote in the 2022 Ontario provincial election
Municipal issues in the City of Toronto are deeply affected by the results of the provincial election. Planning regulations, Ministerial Zoning Orders...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: This fall’s election shouldn’t be a victory lap
Mayor John Tory was out and about late last week, talking up what was billed as a plan to revive the city’s economy but which looked mostly like a...
By John Lorinc -
Growing the urban forest in the face of climate change
Todd Irvine is an arborist (cityforest.ca) and a co-founder of Spacing. This article is reprinted from issue 58 of the magazine. For anyone who has ever...
By Todd Irvine -
The emergence of the “Toronto Special” Modernist walk-up apartments
The “Toronto Special” is a distinctly urban home that emerged during a post-war period associated with the rapid expansion of suburban...
By Eric Sehr -
WHY WE CAN’T GO: Debunking the Costs of Operating Public Washrooms, pt. 3
Parks Forestry and Recreation (PFR), according to City of Toronto data, operates over 1,500 parks, nearly 700 sports fields, 123 community recreation...
By John Lorinc -
Why We Can’t Go: City Flushes Time Away, pt. 2
Anyone who spends time in cities, and not just Toronto, likely has both a mental map as well as a strategy for finding a place to go, and knowing what to...
By John Lorinc -
Why We Can’t Go: A Report on Toronto’s Public Washrooms, pt. 1
Because this is Toronto, and because it’s important for officialdom to do certain things backwards, we’re going to spend this week — the days...
By John Lorinc -
REID: Sixty-two pages of overdue staff reports
Asking overburdened staff for reports is one of the favourite pastimes of Toronto city council. But what happens to those report requests? It turns out a...
By Dylan Reid -
LORINC: Highway 413 and Doug Ford’s tactical whataboutism
Going in to this election, did anyone really expect that it would come to focus so intensively on that great big ribbon of blacktop planned and now known...
By John Lorinc