A tardy alt-weekly round up
This week, NOW’s Mike Smith writes about TTC development: Other side of the tracks. He focuses on the idea of selling TTC land to developers, as a...
By Spacing -
Ye Old Merry Christmas
Spacing editor Anna Bowness has said, a few times, that Sesame Street taught us everything we needed to know about urbanism when we were 3. It’s...
By Shawn Micallef -
Merry Christmess, from Zanta
Thanks to BlogTO for this tip — at Queen West and Gladstone (one block east of Dufferin), someone has either paid for a Zanta billboard or has...
By Matthew Blackett -
Lots of links for the weekend
We’re not sure how much we’ll be posting over the next few days, so here are a bunch of links to articles in local papers and a variety of...
By Matthew Blackett -
Last-minute gift tip: New Orleans Bicycles
Spacing contributor and Toronto photoblogging celeb Rannie Turingan will be filled with envy when he sees the book New Orleans Bicycles [ Mark Batty...
By Matthew Blackett -
Last-minute gift tip: Metropolitan World Atlas
Some of you may be sitting at your desk today trying to kill time for the rest of the day so you can get out from behind your desk and finish up your...
By Matthew Blackett -
Regent Park Take II — The Bike Man Episodes
It’s a beautiful cold December day, so watch these three summerish short films from Regent Park TV following the adventures of Bike Man and his...
By Shawn Micallef -
Bright and Fuzzy Lights in the Big City
When my sister and I were kids we would ride around Windsor in the back seats of our parents’ cars and rate Christmas displays as we passed them. If...
By Shawn Micallef -
Perverse Psychogeography?
“Psychogeography” seems to be generally considered a relatively benign observational activity — a random drifting through the city to...
By Dylan Reid -
Better Know a Building
To add to the long and growing list of individuals working on Toronto projects close to their hearts that benefit the rest of us, here is TOBuilt. Local...
By Shawn Micallef -
SPACING: Buy our 2007 calendar and holiday gift pack!
Spacing is happy to announce two special offers. First off: we’ve got calendars! Grab yourself a Spacing 2007 calendar that showcases some of the...
By Spacing -
Reports of Nathan Phillips’s death have been greatly exagerated
Again on Saturday, after checking on the Spadina Thimble and meandering back east through the Queen West cardigan sweater district, I saw a commotion in...
By Shawn Micallef