$100 million for Union station
The Toronto Star is reporting the City and province will be announcing $100 million in funding for transit improvements to Union Station. Tim McGran...
By Matthew Blackett -
69 TTC stations photo project
Check out this neat project called 69 TTC Stations over on Flickr between Torontoist and Toronto photoblogger David Topping. He’s going to a...
By Matthew Blackett -
Sleeping beauty . . . and a new flag?
The Star‘s Christopher Hume writes that the addition of a Sobey’s supermarket to the Queen’s Quay terminal is helping wake up the...
By Ian Malczewski -
Pedestrian Sundays in Kensington
Based on extensive community consultation in the fall of 2005, the Kensington community again supports Pedestrian Sundays in 2006. This year, the...
By Matthew Blackett -
Some of the news that is fit to print…
In today’s Globe Toronto section, there are two articles of note, indirectly or directly related to things that sometimes are noted on this wire...
By Spacing -
The Yellow Slasher
Bikeshare sent us a press release about many of their bikes being vandelized lately. I suppose it’s one of those things that makes you wonder about...
By Shawn Micallef -
Toronto the Good was good
Thanks to all who came out last night to our second annual Toronto the Good party at Fort York. We even convinced Mayor Miller to fire the cannon at the...
By Matthew Blackett -
TSA Film Series: In the Public Realm
Toronto Society of Architects Film Series: In the Public Realm May 19, th, 7:30 p.m., FREE Royal Ontario Museum – Glass Room, 4th Floor, 100...
By Shawn Micallef -
Meanwhile, in other Waterfront issues…
As if there wasn’t enough to think about on the Waterfront these days, an unofficial Expo 2015 website has been launched, branding Toronto’s...
By Ian Malczewski -
Toronto’s Next Generation of Subway Cars: Preview to Appear in June; Public to Name Vehicles?
Crossposted to Transit Toronto. The general public will have an opportunity to preview the proposed configuration of the next generation of...
By James Bow -
SPACING: Toronto the Good party: TONIGHT!
When: TONIGHT! starting at 6pm-mindnight Where: Fort York • West of Bathurst, south of Front Music: DJ Will Munro How much: $20 gets you into the...
By Matthew Blackett -
[murmur] in Dundas Square
[murmur] will soon putting up the green Ear signs in Dundas Square as part of “The Networked City,” a series of installations that will be...
By Shawn Micallef