LORINC: 10 questions about the Ontario Place redevelopment
At some point this week, City officials will upload the Ford government’s zoning bylaw amendment application for the Ontario Place redevelopment to...
By John Lorinc -
Midtown Toronto’s much-loved, largest green space re-opens – after $35 million and more than four years of construction
David A. Balfour Park, midtown Toronto’s largest public green space, has finally re-opened after being closed for infrastructure repairs and upgrades...
By Ian Darragh -
PODCAST: Election Panel with Shawn Micallef and Kunal Chaudhary
As Toronto gets ready to vote, we’ll be bringing you regular panel discussions with journalists and experts who will break down the candidates, platforms...
By Spacing Radio -
Shifting power in parks: Lessons from the 2022 Canadian City Parks Report
City parks are built on relationships. They are where we go to feel more connected to nature, to ourselves, and to others in our community. All of this...
By Jake Tobin Garrett -
Ontario Place re-development: Paving over paradise
Looking out to Lake Ontario in late March, when the ground is still thawing from winter, a daring aerialist deftly skims the water’s surface, its...
By Francesca Bouaoun -
Eight simple ways to cool a city
It continues to get hotter in Toronto, with summer temperatures in the high 30s becoming common. We must make immediate changes to our city if we want to...
By Todd Irvine -
Growing the urban forest in the face of climate change
Todd Irvine is an arborist ( and a co-founder of Spacing. This article is reprinted from issue 58 of the magazine. For anyone who has ever...
By Todd Irvine -
Why We Can’t Go: City Flushes Time Away, pt. 2
Anyone who spends time in cities, and not just Toronto, likely has both a mental map as well as a strategy for finding a place to go, and knowing what to...
By John Lorinc -
Why We Can’t Go: A Report on Toronto’s Public Washrooms, pt. 1
Because this is Toronto, and because it’s important for officialdom to do certain things backwards, we’re going to spend this week — the days...
By John Lorinc -
From Seeds to Saplings: New outreach to help promote growth of native trees
It started as an ordinary walk through a downtown ravine. Five years later, we are running around the city, doling out thousands of acorns to schools...
By Val Masters -
The Meadoway: Realizing the power of connectivity
This article was first published in November in the Park People “10 Years Together in City Parks” series, and is republished here with...
By Shawn Micallef -
PODCAST: Spacing Radio 064, Toronto Shelter Collapse
Those working with unhoused people in Toronto, like Sanctuary Toronto outreach worker Lorraine Lam, are warning about the total collapse of the...
By Spacing Radio