Segways Put in their Place — For Now
The Segway issue came back again to the City of Toronto’s Works Committee this morning, in a lively and sometimes surreal debate. The good news is...
By Dylan Reid -
When condos attack and defending suburbia
Eye Weekly is running a series of articles on development in Toronto. In the first piece, “Beyond NIMBY,” Spacing‘s managing editor Dale...
By Matthew Blackett -
SPACING FEATURE: How did that get there?
As mentioned before, each Monday Spacing will post articles that have appeared in the magazine. We will also post new articles and reviews specifically...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s New Year resolutions
This might be a good time to lay out our wish list for 2006. • Do not approve the EUCAN monster bins: Within the coming months, the City’s...
By Matthew Blackett -
Toronto’s Public Spaces in 2005
Both Eye Weekly and NOW ran excellent 2005 year in review features. Here’s the stuff they pointed out that the Spacing Wire thinks is worth...
By Matthew Blackett -
Local Government
Former Mayor of Toronto and Eye magazine city columnist John Sewell is running an interesting web site devoted to local government...
By Dylan Reid -
The other side of the OMB
In the Toronto Star today, Christopher Hume writes about the other side of the OMB — when they make decisions that are actually good for Toronto...
By Matthew Blackett -
Is Toronto ready to grow up?
(all links go to the Toronto Star) Is Toronto ready to grow up? Christopher Hume ponders this qestion in his column today regarding the potential overhaul...
By Matthew Blackett -
Development developments
Today the Ontario government proposed new legislation that would give councils and citizens more power to determine what developments go ahead, and...
By Matthew Blackett -
Union Station Precinct
The City of Toronto is planning to revamp the precinct around Union Station — one of the most central and busy but also most neglected parts of...
By Dylan Reid -
Greening Toronto’s roofs
Spacing Wire reader Brendan Stewart sent this along: The City of Toronto is currently in the middle of a process to develop a policy that will encourage...
By Matthew Blackett -
Utilitarian canvases
The Spacing Wire posted back on October 7th, 2005 about the work Joe Pantalone’s office is doing with local graffiti artists and Bell utility boxes...
By Matthew Blackett